Blog Week 4 Term 3
Good afternoon to all our families.
A BIG Woodland Grove welcome to Mr Higgs who started with us as an Associate Principal this week. Mr Higgs has been very busy getting to know our families and children. He is very impressed with the professionalism of our staff and the tone of our school. Mr Higgs has an interest in ice hockey and cows; he even has his own herd. He has a good understanding of student wellbeing and comes to us highly recommended from Pinjarra Primary School.
Wet and Wintery
It has been very Wet and Wintery at Woodland Grove. There is more rain forecast for August so we think our school grounds will remain water logged. It has been great to see our children in their wellingtons, gum boots and rain coats enjoying playing in our puddles. Children are encouraged to bring clearly labelled wet weather gear to school so they can stay dry in the playground but still enjoy a good play.
All school hats should have been returned to children from Permapleat. There is an expectation that children wear a Woodladn Grove school hat whilst at school.
Our House Shirts are in and children are able to wear them on Friday and when they have Physical Eudcation lessons. The shirts are building pride in our Houses.
Book Week
Don’t forget to plan your outfit for our Book Week dress up on Monday August 21st. We ask children to dress up as a character from a book and bring the book to school to share and a gold coin donation. Donations will go towards our library resources. Get your thinking hats on.
Our choir are off to the Mandurah Perfomring Arts Centre on August 24th. They will be performing in the West Australian Schools Music Society Concert. They are very excited and have been putting in a lot of practice for the event. I am really looking forward to seeing them in action.
Positive Parenting Program
Don’t forget the Positive Parenting Program (PPP) being offered by our School Psychologist at West Byford Primary School. The program begins on August 28th. Enrolment forms can be placed in our Drop Box
We currently have an excessive percentage of unexplained absences. If you receive a letter requesting a reason for your child’s absence from school we would appreciate an explanation for his/her absence as soon as possible.
2018 Enrolments
We are taking enrolments for 2018. If you know of any families who are planning to enrol in 2018 please encourage them to do so. Information about enrolling at our school can be found on our website link below
Enjoy your weekend