Blog Week 3 Term 3

Blog Week  3 Term 3

Good afternoon to all our families.

Congratulations to our sprint winners today









Book Week
This year Book Week is from Friday August 18th until Thursday August 24th. Our librarian Mrs Bosma and our library helpers are super excited and so are we. Our whole school will be dressing up for Book Week on Monday August 21st. We ask children to dress up as a character from a book and bring the book to school to share and a god coin donation. Donations will go towards our library resources. Get your thinking hats on.

Outdoor Equipment
Our bikes are available for students from Kindergarten to Year 2 and are being used to capacity at every lunch and recess break. Children are having a lot of fun being very active with the bikes and using the stop and go sign whilst riding.

We have purchased three table tennis tables which are being used in The Arena. Our table tennis tables were set up today. Thank you to George and Helen. It is great to have some more alternatives for break time play.








Positive Parenting Program
We have advertised the Positive Parenting Program (PPP) being offered by our School Psychologist at West Byford Primary School through Connect. The program begins on August 28th. It is a wonderful program that provides families with simple and practical strategies to help build strong, healthy relationships and to confidently manage student behaviour. It is suitable for parents of primary school aged children. I encourage you to attend if it is possible for you to do so. Registrations can be posted in our drop box.

We currently have an excessive percentage of unexplained absences. If you receive a letter requesting a reason for your child’s absence from school we would appreciate an explanation for his/her absence as soon as possible.

2018 Enrolments
We are taking enrolments for 2018. If you know of any families who are planning to enrol in 2018 please encourage them to do so. Information about enrolling at our school can be found on our website link below

Enjoy your weekend
