Policies and Procedures

Woodland Grove Primary School focuses on a consistent and universal approach to positive behaviour support, ensuring our students’ opportunity for learning is maximised. House Tokens are given to our students to acknowledge positive behaviour relating to our four RICI values of Respect, Inclusivity, Courage and Integrity. Additionally, our school has a 5-step plan which staff use when responding to unproductive behaviours as seen in our Woodland Grove Primary School Behaviour Management Plan

Aligning with the Department of Education WA Connect and Respect policies, Woodland Grove Primary School is committed to providing quality education to all students in a safe, inclusive and caring learning environment. We value working together with parents and families as critical partners in student learning outcomes: Connect and Respect – Engagement

Parents/Caregivers and other visitors to our school support safety by ensuring communication and conduct at our school, and school activities is respectful. Every student, staff member, parent/caregiver has the right to feel safe and be safe at our school: Connect and Respect – Expectations

Additional School-wide Policies:

Classroom Placement Policy and Procedures

Homework Policy

Extreme Weather Policy