Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Woodland Grove Primary School has seamlessly integrated iPads into the classroom environment since 2017. The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) initiative commenced in 2019. It is asked for all Year 5 and 6 students are to attend school each day with their own iPad. Please note the following important points:
- The iPad provided MUST be blank and consent must be given to prepare it on school site; see below for more information (Please label with student name and block/ classroom).
- The iPad provided must NOT have a passcode on it and remain that way for the entirety of the year.
- Purchasing an iPad can be done so from a trusted Apple Reseller.
- The iPad cost is in addition to normal school fees and charges.
It is critical that parents support their child’s learning by ensuring the iPad is sent to school each day and is fully charged.
Families with iPads will join our Mobile Device Management program, ensuring all required apps are provided and regularly updated. This process enables your child and the teacher to make the most use of the device both at school and at home.

Digital technologies are increasingly transforming the way we work, live, learn and play, offering new opportunities better tailoring educational choices, and unprecedented access to services and resources. Social media, online games, multimedia, cloud computing, inter-operable systems and mobile learning have become a pervasive and necessary part of everyday life.
Mobile devices, such as iPads, and their associated apps can be used in educational settings as an annotation tool; to enable creation and composition; facilitate social networking; and provide rich tools to capture and edit video, audio and images. The portability, flexibility, and natural intuitive interfaces make tablets ideal devices for students to develop skills, such as creativity, innovation, communication and collaboration.
Why iPads?
iPad and Apple Mac programs are now common across WA schools. WGPS chose iPads as it provides continuity for families and children moving to Byford Secondary College for high school.
In junior classes, iPads have been shown to support the growth of:
- Phonological awareness
- The acquisition of phonics
- The development of reading
- The recall of basic number facts
- Learning and practicing technology skills
In middle and upper year’s, students have the opportunity to design, create, investigate and present a variety of information across a wide range of interest areas providing the capacity to exceed recognised curriculum content and support a higher level of student-centred learning.
The use of iPads across all Learning Areas offers students another method of accessing and demonstrating learning. Its ability to connect directly to the world the student is living in increases engagement and relevance for the child. iPads also provide students with the opportunity and motivation to share their daily learning with parents and caregivers at home.
Woodland Grove Primary School continues to offer our students, teachers and community the opportunity to integrate innovative technology into classroom practice to enhance student engagement and motivation.

BYOD Information Packs
Please see below additional information included within our BYOD Information Packs.