Blog 36




From the Principal’s desk

P&C News

Thank you to the outstanding help from the P&C this year. P&C have raised funds that will go towards building a shade shelter over our playground near the canteen. They have also raised money for the Woodland Grove Outreach Programme. This program supports our families in need.

P&C has contributed significantly to our school with contributions ranging from school camps and excursions to organising activities and events that promote our school community.
The next P&C event on our calendar is the Colour Run on 12th December. This event was a huge hit last year. To participate the cost is $10 or your child/ren can fundraise and be rewarded with some awesome prizes.

Volunteers Lunch

Our Volunteers Morning Tea is Friday the 23rd of November at 10:30am in our Staff Room.
We would like to thank all of our volunteers for the hours they have put into our school, whether it be help in the classroom, canteen, library or donations to the school. Please come along if you have volunteered this year. We have sent out invitations, however we know that we sometimes miss people so please come and enjoy morning tea supplied by our staff to thank you for your help.

Arts Day

A massive shout out to our Arts Teachers Mrs Andrea Gadd and Mrs Julie Good.
Today was Arts Day at Woodland Grove and Clydesdale Block was turned into an Art Gallery. Families were invited to the exhibition and then join their child/ren for a ‘Picnic on the Green’.

Live entertainment was provided by our choir and four Year 9 students from Byford Secondary College who rocked in a band.

Our whole school participated in a dance workshop with Dance Zone. Children and teachers competed in a very competitive “Dance Off”. Miss List showed us performance skills we did not know she had.