Blog 30, 2020

World Teachers’ Day

Today we celebrated World Teachers’ Day! All staff enjoyed a morning tea as a thank you for all the hard work they continue to do. We’re very priviledged to have such talented and amazing staff members involved with our school. From teacher to educator and everywhere in between, our school always has and always will be a place filled with caring, passionate and dedicated individuals who strive to impact young lives in a positive way.

Thank you to eveyrone who has been involved in providing a positive learning journey to the children of WGPS. Whether you have volunteered, been a relief or a parent helper, your tireless support is appreciated everyday.

Today we asked for our community if they’d like a thank you message passed on. Below is a snippet of those comments:

“…A fantastic shool and fantastic teaching staff”.

Pictured below are a few of our teachers, along with some students showing their appreciation and listening intently to their beloved teacher.


Following our recent school photography by Kapture, you can now view and order any special photos taken this year. When visiting you will need to enter our school code under the Sports & Event tab to access the gallery:  789WHC


Upcoming Events

Don’t forget to check in with our website calendar every now and then to stay up to date with what’s happening in the school.

Some of these events include:

  • 3rd Nov – Dance Sport Commences
  • 5th Nov – School Board
  • 11th Nov – Rememberance Day Assembly
  • 20th Nov – Summer Carnival
  • 24th Nov – Dance Sport Concludes

While we try our best to limit changes to our scheduled events, our website calendar is our source of truth and we encourage our families and community to use the website calendar.



We hope you enjoy a restful weekend. See you Monday.