Blog 9, 2018




From the Principal’s desk,

Easter Hat Parade

We had a wonderful day at school today with an array of decorated hats for our annual Easter Bonnet Parade. Our children paraded through The Arena with a crowd of parents and family members watching. The coffee van provided sustenance and made a donation to our P&C. All children who wore Easter Bonnets received a ticket for the school prize raffle as well as children who committed to the dance zone. Our School Captains, Molly and Lokoli did a great job of helping out. Parade prize winners are listed below.
P&C ran an Easter raffle and raised over $1000 to go towards setting up the canteen. Thank you to P&C and all of our community who donated to the raffle prizes.


Easter Hat Parade Winners
Charlotte F – SHTR5
Quinten S– ST2
Lucas N – STTR2
Oliver S – TH2
Oliver G – BR2
Jackson P – ST1
Caleb M – TH2
Alyson M – STTR

Easter Raffle Winners
Cody L
Chase S
Baye M
Joshua L
Aliana JM
Karen R
Cylus M
Cooper T
Samantha D
Xander C
Chace S
Matilda I

Cricket Carnival:

On Tuesday the 26th of March Woodland Grove participated in the Byford School Sports Association Cricket Carnival, which was supported by the WACA (Western Australian Cricket Association). Woodland 

Grove Primary School participated against West Byford Primary School, Byford Primary School and Marri Grove Primary; all schools participated with 2 teams each.
We did really well and were very competitive whilst upholding our school values of  Integrity, Respect, Inclusivity, and Courage. Woodland Grove came 3rd overall our teams won a game each. An outstanding effort from all participants

Boys Team
Ben W
Jayden T
Elijah W
Osman S
Cody V
Justin F
Alec M
Oliver S
Cohen K
Tyler M

Girls Team
Jessica O
Molly I
Nyrie DF
Krystal S
Andree P
Violette C
Isla W
Sienah H
Ilah-Jane O
Raven P