Blog 7, 2020

Dear Families,

I would like to thank you all for the care and consideration you are giving to our school, the community and your family during this time. It is wonderful to see the support you are giving each other as we work together to navigate a period in time that is unprecedented.

The Education Minister has just announced that NAPLAN will not proceed in 2020. This decision has been made so that schools can focus on the wellbeing of students and the continuity of education, including potential online and remote learning.

At this stage it is unlikely that Woodland Grove will close as we have no confirmed cases of Covid19.

If Woodland Grove Primary School has to temporarily close due to a confirmed case, it will be on advice from the WA Health Department’s Chief Health Officer.  The Chief Health Officer will, if there has been a positive COVID-19 test result in the school, close the school temporarily while assessment and tracing of exposure is conducted.  A thorough school clean will then be carried out to make sure the school is safe for the return of students and staff. The re-opening of the school will also be determined by the Chief Medical Officer.

The Department of Education have advised that teachers are not expected to provide work packages for children who are voluntarily absent from school as teachers are busy teaching on a daily basis. At Woodland Grove we expect that children will complete a daily journal, read and complete some mental maths while they are at home. We will also send out a Parent Resources suggestion page on Connect that may help families with children at home. Cooking is a wonderful way to engage with children and incorporate some maths and literacy learning into a daily activity.

We are working with our website developer to set up a Parent Resources tab in Programs on our website. We will let you know when this has been set up. Of course the best way to receive a quality education is to be at school, however we understand that each family’s circumstances are different and people will make decisions based on individual needs.

Please find below a link to a Health Department training resource that you might find useful. It is primarily for care workers and covers:

  • COVID-19 – what is it?
  • Signs and symptoms
  • Keeping safe – protecting yourself and others
  • Myth busting

Health Department COVID-19 resources and information

I hope this information helps.

I would like to acknowledge the work of our dedicated team at Woodland Grove Primary School. The professionalism of our staff from our School Officers to our Education Assistants and Teachers is second to none. A big thank you to our Associate Principals who work tirelessly to support the education of children at Woodland Grove. Lastly thank you to our families for your support. I appreciate your concern, and the support and faith you have in our school.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns or queries. The best way to do this is through our website link.

Our Year 3 classes presented their assembly performance to me this week. They performed with gusto and were a pleasure to watch. The performance has been filmed and will be posted on Facebook as soon as we have all the necessary permissions.

I met with our P&C this week. They have decided that they will not be meeting for the foreseeable future. I would like to thank our P&C for their understanding and their considered approach. I would also like to welcome our incoming committee for 2020:

President – Ramone Glascow  Vice President – Dee Mguni Secretary – Francis Reinsma
Treasurer – Daniel Green    

P&C have already committed over $7000 to the school for literacy resources. This is wonderful support for the children of Woodland Grove. Thank you.

Thank you to our outgoing committee of 2019 ably led by Ramone; Chelsea Versaico, Nicole Cunnold and Casey Perham.

Our School Board also met this week via teleconference to discuss the implications of Covid19. At this meeting School Board were informed of our procedures and communication processes in the event of a school closure and the impact on school events for Term 1 and Term 2. School Board is investigating the possibility of conducting the next meeting via video link. Thank you to those of you who have nominated for School Board membership. We still have a couple of spaces available on School Board. If you are interested in School Board contact the school and we will send through a Nomination Form.

Snuffle Station

Mrs Gallin has created a snuffle station for her students as they enter the classroom. This station has been created to educate students on the importance of hygiene not only during this period but overall. Mrs Gallin has added an interactive component to it by including laminated cards that the students can match up once they’ve completed the task. We love this idea as it is both creative and suited to the age group.

Inside the Classroom – Engaged Learning

This week we have been exploring Mrs Mills classroom. Pictured below you can see the use of the outside verandah. This space includes blocks, race car tracks and interactive boards with tools and pipes attached. It is vital in the early years for children to be engaged in learning by providing learning opportunities that encourage creativity, independence and opportunity to develop literacy and numeracy skills.

Inside the classroom children have a variety interactive tables, books, puzzles and of course our wonderful school dog Miss Bella. Bella is an integral part of the classroom and wider community, whether she is leading students back to class or encouraging them to try new things by sitting by their side. Bella is also invaluable when children are feeling anxious or overwhelmed.

We loved looking through Mrs Mills classroom this week and would like to pay particular attention to the very creative and cute; “Can you create wombat stew?” and “Can you make an insect?” table (see pictures below). Thank you Mrs Mills for allowing us to showcase your room.

What Can You Hear?

Miss Rockett took her Kindy students for a tour around the school this week to listen to the sounds of the school. Pictured below is the long line of students with their hand-made giant ears learning as they listen to what goes on during the day. This is a great way for our Kindy students to have a soft opening to the school as they learn to listen to different sounds. Miss Rockett’s “Listening Tour” allows students to take in their surrounds and make a mental map of the school with decreased sensory input.