Blog 6, 2018
From the Principal’s desk,
Paws for Books
As always there is a great turn out for our dress up days. A BIG thank you to the wonderful team in our library, ably led by Julie Bosma for setting up this year’s Book Fair. Please come along to see the books on display and see if you can guess which pet belongs to which teacher. Lots of interesting things to see.
3 Way Interviews Week 7
A reminder to all our families that 3 Way Interviews will commence on Monday 12 March. Information about booking your interview online has been posted on Connect. Remember that March 14 and 15 are half days with school closing at 12.50pm.
Thank you to those children wearing full school uniform. It has been lovely to note that most of our children are in uniform every day.
Our website contains information about our Dress Code
Cultural Competence Committee
As a multi-cultural community Woodland Grove Primary School is establishing a Cultural Competence Committee. The purpose of this group is to advise the school on culturally significant matters, help the school to be more inclusive of all cultures and to build partnerships. If this something that interests you we will be holding our first meeting on Monday 12 March at 1pm. Please let me know by email through our website if you will be attending.
School Board
We had our first School Board meeting last night. School Board is looking for more parents to be involved. There are 2 spaces available on School Board. If you are interested in being involved in helping to set the Strategic Direction for our school then this is a wonderful opportunity to do so. Nomination forms will be distributed through Connect next week.
School Board ratified our Sun Smart Policy yesterday. This policy states that all children at Woodland Grove will wear a broad brimmed hat when the UV rating is high. Thank you to those families who are ensuring their children have school hats. The Sun Smart will be sent out to families through Connect next week. It will also be posted on our web site.
The parking situation has improved slightly with more children and families walking to and from school. Thank you for making the effort, particularly in this hot weather.
Please note that our disabled bays are for people with ACROD stickers and the yellow striped bays are to allow people with disabilities access to parking.
Whilst the parking has eased the traffic around school is still problematic. If you are interested in being involved in Road Safety for our school through the Road Safety Committee please let me know by email through our website I anticipate this committee meeting towards the end of this term.