Blog 33, 2019

Multicultural Day

Yesterday we celebrated my favourite day of our school year, Multicultural Day. It was wonderful to see parents and caregivers join their child/children for the Picnic Lunch. Special mention to the lovely ladies who performed a Punjabi Cultural Dance called Bhangre at the closing assembly. It was a fantastic performance and impressive to watch.

We hope that everyone got to find their flag and had a look at the rest of the flags around the school. We were blown away with the community support and involvement and would like to say a BIG thank you to everyone.

National Outdoor Classroom Day

Today the whole of the Thoroughbred Block participated in National Outdoor Classroom Day. Students were asked to complete a scavenger hunt outside where they took photos with their iPad of things they found interesting. Year 6 teacher Mr Gould coordinated the outdoor classroom to remind students of the fun they can have outside and encourage them to engage more with outdoor activities. Pictured below are some of the photo’s students took during the day.

Armadale Soccer Club

Please see the attached flyer for upcoming soccer trials with the Armadale Soccer Club.


Teen Triple P Seminar Series

Laura Colston (School Psychologist) is facilitating the Teen Triple P Series at Byford Secondary college from Monday the 18thof November. Parents with children in Year 6 are invited and encouraged to attend these seminars. You will receive simple and practical tips on how to support your child’s transition from primary to high school and adjust to teenage life.