Blog 31




From the Principal’s desk

Welcome back to Term 4
It has been great to see so many happy smiling faces as they start their final term for this year.
We have some big events this term which includes the Book Awards and Graduation Lunch in Week 9 and the Nativity Play in Week 10.
For anymore upcoming events, please refer to our website calendar

School Photos
School photos will be taking place next week.
On the last day of Term 3, students were given a Kapture envelope, students will be required to bring this on their selected photo day with their money inside, alternatively you can pay online within 10 days of photo day.
If you aren’t ready to order yet, that’s fine, you have the remainder of the school year but a late fee of $15 applies.

Interschool Jumps & Throws
Interschool Jumps & Throws and 400m is held next week on Tuesday the 16th October. Selected students are travelling to Byford Primary School to participate in their events. The bus is departing WGPS at 8:45am sharp and returning back to school at 1:45pm.