House Faction Carnival
Our House Faction Carnival for Years 1 to 6 finished off with a trip to West Byford Primary School to complete the majority of events. We would like to say thank you to the Rangers of the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale for helping get our students safely across the roads. Thank you to our families for coming to West Byford Primary School and supporting the event, the positive energy and feel of the carnival was palpable. It’s safe to say that the community support was felt from all areas.
We would also like to give Mr Bird and Mr Higgs a huge thank you for all their work with the carnivals. Mr Bird and Mr Higgs organised and ran a total of four carnivals! We feel very grateful for the amazing staff that give their time to ensure our students get the best out of their school experiences. Attached is the list of Champions for this year’s Inter House Carnival.
Pictured below are some snapshots of the event, along with Mr Bird and Mr Higgs and parents David MacFarlane and Mark Ogg competing in a student-parent running race.
Kindy Gold and Pre-Primary Carnival
The last of the Early Years Carnival finished with our Kindy Gold and Pre-Primary students. During both carnivals our Year 6 House Captains helped with making sure the carnival run smoothly by assisting our teachers and helping the Kindy and Pre-Primary students complete the events. It was great to see their leadership skills in action and the integrity with which they held themselves. Thank to our Year 6 House Captains Tyler Morley, Isabella Borsi, Caleb Macey, Lilly Dedrick, Ciara Anderson, Ben Walling, Justine Franklin and Levi Abbott.
Our choir attended the WA Massed Choir Festival last night. It was the most amazing night with the powerful singing of 450 students. Our choir were amazing. Ms Sudhakaran ably led the choir with the help of Ms Easton. Thank you to all involved. It was a wonderful opportunity for our students to experience singing in the Perth Concert Hall to a large audience. Pictures below show the enormity of the massed choir, our choir and Ms Ayers and Ms Lay who came with me to see the choir in action.
Year 5/6 Market Stall
This week our Year 5/6 students held a Market Stall for their Business and Economics unit. The came up with and sold Sustainable Products and managed to fundraise $1255.10! All proceeds collected have been put aside for Year 6 fundraising.
Cricket Australia
Our sport teacher Mr Bird registered our Pre-Primary students into a group mascot challenge that consisted of a 4-week program. This program looked at developing fundamental skills and brain breaks for children. Mr Bird then entered in a competition whereby he outlined the reasons why he registered our students into the challenge. As a result, Mr Bird won the competition and received a signed cricket bat from Cricket Australian of all the players in the Australian and South African cricket players
Pictured is Mr Bird with Vicki Chandler, School Ambassador from the Perth Scorchers.
Family Flags
Family flags have now gone home. Please decorate your family flag with your children. Your flag should celebrate your family and show what is important to your family. We will be collecting the flags next term in preparation for Multicultural day.
Have a wonderful break. School returns Monday, 14 October.