Blog 22, 2019




From the Principal’s desk

Good afternoon to the Woodland Grove family,

It feels like we have been back at school for ages when in fact the term has only just begun. Children and teachers have settled back in to school life and the term promises to bring lots of exciting learning opportunities for our school. A BIG welcome to all our new families I hope your time at Woodland Grove is a happy one. We look forward to working with you to help your child/ren to be the best they can be. It is an honour and a privilege to be entrusted with their learning.

Byford South East Primary School (planning name)
We have the Principal and Manager Corporate Services from Byford South East Primary School (planning name) working from our Conference Room while the school is being built. Enrolments for Kindergarten and Pre Primary in 2020 that fall into the new school’s intake area will be passed onto the administration of that school. It is wonderful having the administration working here as we build a productive working relationship that benefits the children of Byford. Please check out their Facebook page.

Our P&C has been doing a magnificent job of running the canteen which is open on Thursdays. Thank you to our wonderful volunteers. Last Friday the P&C celebrated P&C Day with a free cake stall after school. Children and families really enjoyed the offerings. It was a great way to celebrate our P&C. P&C is a wonderful way to get involved with the school and to make some new friends. Check out our school calendar for the next P&C date. Some of the exciting activities being planned include a Crazy Hair Day and our School Disco.

In conjunction with P&C and School Board the school will be out-sourcing the canteen. We would like our canteen to provide healthy affordable recess and lunch options for the children of Woodland Grove. We will run an Expression of Interest process for those wishing to take up the opportunity. A package will be available on Friday 09 August if you wish to be considered. Please contact the school through our website and the Expression of Interest package will be sent through to you on Friday 09 August.

Our budding Year 6 entrepreneurs have been working hard to set up a successful business model. Congratulations to Abbey, Taliyah, Kira, Ciara, Jett, Trenton and Ronan for their hard work today washing teacher’s cars. Children planned a micro business project based on an entrepreneurial idea with an initial investment of $50. Any profits the micro business generates will go towards the Year 6 camp. Thank you to Mr Gould for his support of our entrepreneurs.


 “Have A Little Faith”
Recently, Maxima Group has partnered with Woodland Grove Primary School to create a work experience opportunity for a local resident with limited work history, who also happens to be autistic.
Much to her parents’ delight, Faith has been reuniting lost property items with their rightful owners. She will also be helping out in the library and organising Teacher resources.
Faith has been welcomed by the Woodland Grove staff and students with open arms and continues to enjoy learning new things and broadening her horizons.