From the Principal’s desk
iPad Project
Our iPad project has started this year with all Year 4 children bringing their own iPad to school every day. Our Year 3 children are all supplied with a school iPad so we have a lot of iPads at school with children using the devices to improve their learning. Our iPad program is designed so that all children in the class can access the learning either through specific core subject requirements or though project based learning. The use of the iPad is limited by our imagination. We want children at Woodland Grove to able to use technology effectively and to be actively engaged in the digital world to enhance and build value to their learning.
We had cyber safety expert, Paul Litherland in at school on Wednesday. He worked with children from Years 5 and 6 to teach them about how to engage with social media safely. Whilst children under the age of 14 years in most cases should not be accessing platforms such as Facebook, Fortnite and Snapchat the reality is that a lot of our children are and so they need to know how to engage safely. This workshop was followed up with a workshop for parents in the evening. We had 30 to 40 parents attend and they found Paul Litherland informative and engaging. We will run this session for parents again at the end of the year and invite the wider Byford community. So, if you missed out and would like to see what Paul has to say you will get a chance at the end of the year.
We are doing a lot of work this year to promote home reading. Reading aloud to children and promoting reading really helps children to be successful at school. Our library is a magnificent space. Our wonderful librarian, Julie Bosma has organised a free book library where children can take books home to keep and enjoy. If you can help by listening to children read at school, please let us know and we will organise for you to come in and help out.
Icy Poles
Children really enjoyed the icy poles we sold this afternoon. Congratulations to those children who received an icy pole for free because they had a hat on or their bike/scooter helmet.