Visible Learning at our school

Good afternoon Woodland Grove families,

We talk a lot about Visible Learning at our school. The main question behind Visible Learning is; what can we do, as teachers, to make the learning visible? In other words how do we know what is the most effective way to teach? John Hattie is a highly respected researcher and educator who has used meta-analysis to determine the effectiveness of teaching strategies. At Woodland Grove Primary School our focus is on what evidence tells us are effective strategies. We know that it is really important for children to know what the learning intentions are for a particular lesson. That is why we are spending a lot of time on making our learning intentions clear.

View TED Talk by John Hattie You Tube video that explains Visible Learning and  the importance of understanding the effect of strategies on student learning. I encourage you to have a look. I look forward to hearing what you think.

We know that it is important for children to explore their environment and to test the scope of materials and equipment. This type of play extends critical and creative thinking. It is also really good for a child’s wellbeing. We hope you enjoyed the video on our Facebook page.

Below is a picture of children enjoying one of our brand new E Boards.

There are some important additions to our calendar this term

Pirate Day is on March 24. Children and staff are invited to come to school dressed as a pirate and bring along a gold coin donation to help out with building our library collection.

Book Fair will take place during Week 8, beginning on March 20. Children will be able to buy books from the fair which will take place in the library.


We will hold two performance assemblies each term. Our first whole school assembly is on March 09 at 2pm. Our second assembly this term is on March 22. Parents and carers, along with the community are invited to attend.

Fundraising for Camp

Our students from Kindy to Year 2 will have a weekly assembly with our Associate Principal, Amber Ness. Students from Year 3 to Year 6 will have a weekly assembly led by Associate Principal Jen Lay. These assemblies are for students and staff.

Icey Poles and Icecreams will be sold from the canteen on Monday, Wednesday and Friday this week only.

Our Year 6s are raising funds for camp,

  • Paddlepops – $2
  • Icey Poles – $1

Enjoy your weekend.
See you all next week.
