Blog 19, 2018




From the Principal’s desk

Don’t forget our School Disco is this afternoon.
Kindy – Year 1 is 3pm-4pm.
Year 2 – Year 6 is 4:30pm-6pm.
There will be glo-sticks, lolly bags, pop tops & water for purchase. We look forward to seeing all the excited children. Thank you to the P&C for organising the event which I’m sure will be enjoyed by many.

Diabetes Morning Tea Fundraiser
A great morning tea to raise money for Type 1 Diabetes was organised by Molly and Meerab. The girls are truly thankful to the Woodland Grove Community for their support of their fundraiser. They organised face painting, cupcakes, wrist bands and pens for purchase and the girls raised over $950. Well done Molly and Meerab. Our very own DJ Fox 

was here who entertained the children with some great beats, thank you to all the helpers who made the day possible.

Cross Country
Our House Cross Country is this Tuesday the 26th of June.We have organised a coffee van on the oval from 8am to replenish your thirst.

Cowboy & Cowgirl Day
A reminder that our last day of Term 2 is Cowboy & Cowgirl day. We look forward to seeing
the children dressed up. Please bring a gold coindonation.