Good afternoon families,
I am not sure how you are all feeling but if you are anything like me you are feeling a little strange. Whilst the end of term is upon us and it feels very quick it also feels very long. We are all ready for a re-charge. Hopefully these holidays give all our families, staff and wider Woodland Grove family a chance to re-charge and refresh. As we enter Term 3 it will be with a renewed focus on learning and connecting with our families.
The process for the beginning of the school day and the end will remain as they were for the end of this term. Gates will be open at 8.15am for the morning and closed at 8.30am. We ask that parents and carers remain off-site in the morning and sign in through the front office in the event there is a need to enter the school grounds. Parents and carers may collect children from classrooms in the afternoon, however we ask that parents/carers remain outside classrooms and make an appointment through the front office to see the class teacher. This process has provided a wonderful opportunity for the children of Woodland Grove to become more independent. It has also provided classes with an extra 10 to 15 minutes of learning each day. We will review our morning and afternoon processes in Week 1 of Term 3 and advise of changes at the end of Week 1.
To celebrate the end of term our wonderful P&C organised a Pyjama Day. Students and staff were very comfortable all day and enjoyed the opportunity to have some fun.
The class with the most children arriving to school on time this term had popcorn cooked for them by myself today. It was “old school” popcorn making on the stove with the kernels popped in a saucepan. Brumby 4 were the winners today. Congratulations to all children who managed to get here on time each day. We will run a similar reward next term to encourage all Woodland Grove children to come to school on time.
Lastly thank you once again for your support and commitment to our school. Parents, teachers, education assistants, office staff and students all make our school the wonderful, sparkly place of learning we all enjoy. Have a well-deserved break and I will see you all next term.