Blog 16, 2019




From the Principal’s desk

Good afternoon Families,
It is really wonderful to be back at school. I trust you all had an opportunity to refresh over the extra long weekend. I know lots of you would have been back at work on Tuesday. I really appreciate the effort it requires to find care for your children when we have a School Development Day that is pupil free. Staff at Woodland Grove were able to complete a lot of work on Tuesday.
Our big focus is to continue to refine our Instructional Model at Woodland Grove.
Our Instructional Model outlines the important elements of a lesson. The Woodland Grove Instructional Model is based on current educational research. Teachers had the opportunity on our School Development Day to look at the model and practise aspects to improve their teaching. The better our teachers are at lesson delivery the more children at our school will learn.
Staff also attended a session presented by Stella Rogers who is an expert on trauma for children. The session was about trauma and the impact of trauma on children. It is vital for us to continue to develop our understanding of the behaviours of children and how we can best respond to those behaviours. We will be working with School Board and P&C on our Behaviour Management Policy. This policy is being refined so that it reflects the needs of our student population and our growing understanding of student behaviour.

Children at Woodland Grove have been taking our focus on Kindness to heart. It was wonderful to see one of our PP boys helping a classmate organise his peg chart. It was a very kind and spontaneous gesture.

School Board
School Board met yesterday afternoon. It was a fruitful meeting with some great discussion around student results, behaviour and our school’s plans for improvement.  If you are interested in the governance of our school and wondering about the expecations of a School Board member please do not hesitate to call me at school. I’ll be happy to discuss with you.

Traffic Management
We are taking parent and community feedback about our traffic management very seriously. In the afternoon we have a number of staff supporting students to leave school safely. We ask that our parents and carers park their cars to pick children up. Please do not stop in the middle of the driveway for children to get in the car. It is really unsafe. We are asking children to walk around the footpaths to get to vehicles rather than going across the car park. We would really appreciate your support so that we can make our car park as safe as possible.

Winter Carnival
AFL, Netball and Soccer.
The Byford Winter Lightning Carnival was a great success today. Our Year 5 Netball and our Football team both finished 3rd Place, while our Year 6 Netball team finished 2nd Place and last but not least our Soccer team finished in 1st place and came home with the BSSA Winter Lightning Carnival trophy. All of our Woodland Grove students that participated showed and displayed all our school values on what was a fantastic day overall.

Cowboy & Cowgirl Day – Last day of Term 2

We are planning a celebration of our semester in conjunction with P&C on the last day of school this term, Friday 5th of July. Children are invited to come to school dressed as a cowboy or a cowgirl. Children will be able to show off their outfits in a parade at 8.30am in The Arena. There will be a special Performance Assembly at 2.00pm. More details to follow.