Blog 14, 2020

Dear families,

Thank you to you all for your continued support of our school.

Though a little challenging for some, it has been good to see parents and carers respecting the need to social distance when dropping off and collecting students. I have appreciated the positive way parents and carers have embraced the need to drop students at our gates rather than enter the school.

There are always things to learn during challenging times such as the pandemic we find ourselves in now.

At school we have learnt:

  • Our students can get themselves to class independently.
  • Our school day is getting underway very quickly and smoothly as students walk into classrooms with confidence and purpose at the beginning of the school day.
  • That Kindergarten and Pre Primary children are confidently carrying their school bags and unpacking without much adult help.
  • Our traffic and parking habits have improved as students are dropped off to walk to class independently.
  • Our school community is finding more effective ways to communicate with teachers rather than trying to catch them on the run before and after school


As thigs return to normal some of these things may be worth keeping as the new normal.

I understand there are questions our families may have regarding school operations. If you have a question or comment to make please complete the survey below. We will collate your responses and answer them through our weekly blog or at a personal level if required.

Use your smart phone camera and scan the QR code below or follow the link below.

Parent Questions & Queries 2020 Form

Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe.




Book Club

Our Librarian Mrs Bosma has said that book club is still online ordering only. Parents can place orders using this link