Blog 11, 2020

Dear Families,

Firstly a BIG thank you for your thoughtfulness during this ever changing space. If you are anything like me, you are probably finding the constant changes challenging. We are all in it together and your kind words, gestures and respect for our school is truly appreciated.

It is truly wonderful to have children on site, happily playing and learning.

There is quite a lot of information in this week’s Blog as we begin to return to normal.

Please note some of the information may have changed since our last communication. As always if you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact us through our website contact,  or by phoning the school – 9526 4000.

Classes next Week

In Week 2 of this term all children will be in their regular class with their class teacher and going to specialist classes according to their timetable. We will have a number of relief teachers in next week to support teachers so they can respond to those who are learning at home. In the following week, which is Week 3, classes will be run as usual. As the number of children who return to school has increased we will not be running the Learning at Home program in Week 3. Families who are learning at home in Week 3 will be provided with lessons prepared by the Department of Education.


Review End Week 3

We will review our progress in Week 3 and provide families with advice at the end of the week based on the information given to us by the Department of Education.


Library Books

Our gorgeous librarian, Mrs Julie Bosma, is very keen to see children reading. Mrs Bosma is happy to make sure children can access books. Please let us know if you would like more books and Mrs Bosma will make sure you are able to borrow what you need for your child.


Health and Hygiene

We have ample supplies of sanitiser and soap at Woodland Grove. Children are washing and/or sanitising their hands before and after breaks, and eating outside in this glorious weather. Year groups have very specific play areas to minimise movement between year levels. We also have increased cleaning time with three day cleaners on site. Our day cleaners are engaged in regular cleaning of high touch point areas such as door handles, light switches and common use areas. Our day cleaners are cleaning play equipment before and after student break times.

Oval – Gate 6

It is great to finally have the temporary fencing down from around our oval. I am sure you will agree that the oval rejuvenation project has been successful. The turf is in good shape and is well used by our students.

We can now use Gate 6 (oval gate) as an access point. Children from Year 3 to Year 6 will be directed to Gate 6 to leave school at 2.30pm. Gate 6 is the pick-up point for children in years 3 to 6. These children will be supported by staff to walk across the oval and to use the foot path as necessary.


Drop-Off and Pick-Up

The following outlines the procedure for drop-off and pick-up.

Revised pick up points for children:

Gate 1: Main entrance, McMillan Road

  • Year 1 and 2 children picked up by a parent, exit by Gate 1


Gate 2: Next to the Conference Room, McMillan Road

  • All independent walkers in Years 1 to 6 living McMillan Road side of school, exit by Gate 2


Gate 3: Next to the dental clinic, McMillan Road

  • All independent riders in Years 1 to 6 living McMillan Road side of school, exit by Gate 3


Gate 6: School oval gate

  • Year 3 to Year 6 children picked up by a parent, exit by Gate 6
  • All children in Years 1 to 6 living oval side of the school, who walk or ride home independently exit by Gate 6


Gate 9: Adjacent to Kakoda Boulevard

  • K and Pre-primary students exit by Gate 9



Gate 1 – Year 1 to Year 6

Gate 6 – Year 1 to Year 6

Gate 9 – K/PP


Bikes, Scooters and Helmets

Thank you all our students who are remembering to wear their bike helmets. Children who are riding without a helmet will be asked to leave their bike or scooter at school until a responsible adult can come and collect it or until they come to school with a helmet


Car Park

Our school car park can be very busy at times and very dangerous for our children to navigate. Please read and respect the following expectations we have for the school car park:

  • All cars should be parked in the designated bays.
  • No vehicle should stop/park in the middle of the car park for anybody to access or leave.
  • All occupants of the vehicle should adhere to road rules with seat belt used etc.
  • No person, adult or child should cross the car park.
  • Our footpaths should be used to access vehicles.

Staff will remind children and families of our car park expectations before and after school.