Blog 16, 2018




From the Principal’s desk,

Enjoy your extra long weekend. Lots of tired children after swimming lessons. We have another 2 weeks starting after the long weekend. Remember Tuesday is a pupil free day.

YMCA July Vacation Care
YMCA is running their July vacation care from 2nd July to 13th July. They have lots of fun excursions and games throughout the program. For more information on this, please refer to their website

Lunch Orders
Burger Day this week was another huge success this week. Due to there being a Public Holiday on Monday and a Pupil Free day on Tuesday, the Canteen will not be running a lunch order. The Canteen will be back the following week (Week 7)

Pupil Free Day
Don’t forget it’s a Pupil Free day on Tuesday 5th of June.

Friends of the Library
Do you love to read? Do you have a passion for books? Would you like to be involved in sharing that love of reading with primary school children? If so, then we would love to see you in our library… Come join us for morning tea and a chat about how we can implement a reading program in our school.
Wednesday the 6th of June at 8:30am at Woodland Grove’s school Library.
If you cannot make this time but would love to be involved, please call Julie Bosman on 9526 4000.

Sausage Sizzle
P&C are running a Bunnings Armadale sausage sizzle on the 16th of June. There is a roster in Administration if you are able to spare an hour or two to volunteer your time, please put your name down or you can phone Administration on 9526 4000.

Our school disco is being held on the 22nd of June. Junior students will be going from 3pm to 4pm, and Senior students will be 4:30pm to 6pm. Tickets for the disco will go home next Wednesday and the theme is Winter Wonderland. Students are welcome to come in anything wintery they like or just as themselves.