Students are not permitted in the school grounds prior to 8.00am unless given permission by the Principal.
Students who are on school grounds before 8.15am unsupervised by their parents and/or caregivers must be seated with their bag behind the administration building. At 8:15am they will be directed to walk to their class.
Please refer to the below links for our Playground Expectations:
Students should be picked up by 2.30pm but no later than 2.40pm each school day.
Between 8.15 – 8.30am students should prepare for the day’s activities.
8.15 am – Front office open
8.15 am – Classroom doors open
8.30am – Lessons commence
9.20am – Crunch & Sip
10.55am – Lunch Play
11.15am – Eating time at classrooms
1.15pm – Afternoon recess
2.30 pm – End of school day
3.30pm – Office closes
Absence from school
We ask for your fullest co-operation in seeing that your child attends school each day. Absence from school places hardship on the pupil. Parents/carers need to inform the school on the first day of any absence by giving a reason for the absence and a likely date to return. Please inform the school by one of the following options (only one of the options is required):
- Contact the school via phone 08 9526 4000.
- Visit the school office.
- Speak or send a note to your child’s teacher.
- Email
If your child has an unexplained absence, you will receive an SMS notification.
Under Department of Education regulations, absence from school should be for illness, or medical or dental appointments.
Absences for all other purposes are generally discouraged. Students are expected to attend school for the entire day of 8.30 am – 2.30 pm.
See here for our School Attendance Information Booklet